Monday, March 29, 2010

Project Get Fit - Day 1

I decided about a month ago that I wanted to join the YMCA and start working out again. I have done pretty good with dropping most of the baby weight since I had Jackson, but I still have a ways to go. Luckily, I didn't gain near the 85 pounds I did with Savannah, but it was more than I had hoped for.

In trying to figure out the best ways to stay motivated, I figured I'd turn to the internet. Here is my current motivation...a picture of me taken about 3 weeks ago. I look miserable for a reason...gulp...I weigh 205 lbs. in this picture.

There, I said it...I am over 200 pounds. I hate it. So I decided it's time to get serious. I am going to work out 3 times a week and cut my portions wayyyy down. I don't want to deny myself the things I like, I just need to learn to limit how much I consume...this goes for wine too, so no more 1 bottle a night shared with Jason.
I signed up at the YMCA yesterday, wrote a check for almost $130 and authorized them to take out another $70 each month. I also dropped the kids (did I just say kids? is going to take time to get used to the fact that I have two babies now) off in the child development center and spent an hour aligning my chakra...or whatever. Really, I sweated my butt off as I pushed myself to be as flexible as my high school days. It was great...I felt energized afterward. The kids did good too. When I picked them up, Jackson was happily swinging and Savannah was playing with a ball.
So, this marks a new era for me...a serious one. I need to get healthy...I don't want to deny my kids trips to the pool or beach because I am insecure about how fat I I am going to do something about it. Wish me luck and look for updates along the way.