Friday, March 11, 2011

Project Get Fit - Almost One Year Later and a New Beginning

I've been waiting for the longest time to write this note and I finally feel like I've got the time to sit down and pour it out. It was one year ago on March 29th, 2010, that I decided to change my life forever. I'm not sure if you remember, but I posted a picture of myself on my blog (which sadly, hasn't been updated since July 2010...lots has changed and I just don't have the time anymore) and told the world my weight. The day that picture was posted...I weighed 205 pounds. It was 3.5 months after I had Jackson, but that is no excuse. I was incredibly unhealthy and I disgusted myself when I looked in the mirror.
I remember feeling a lot of things the day I made that post, but most importantly, I felt determination. That determination is what brought me to where I am today. In the last 2 weeks, I've had a handful of people privately message me and ask what I did, how I did it and just to say thanks for being an inspiration. The funny thing is, I never set out to be an inspiration to anyone...I just wanted to be able to take my kids to the beach and enjoy myself without feeling like a whale. Well here's how I did it...
Nutrition - I tracked ALL of my meals...even snacks...on It was a great tool for me to see my progress throughout the day and it was incredibly easy. Most of the nutritional information for what I was eating was already available on their site. I initially limited myself to about 1,200 calories a day and around 15 grams of fat. I know that some people may criticize me or say that isn't enough nutrition, but that's what I did...and I don't regret it.
Fitness - When I started, I couldn't even walk next to Savannah while she rode her bike without being out of breath. One of my main goals was to run the entire Nona5K in November 2010. In order to get there, I decided to join the YMCA and start off with group classes. I was dedicated...I took a Cardio Kickboxing class on Mondays, Zumba on Wednesdays, and a Cardio Strength class on Fridays. I'd also do 15 minutes of abs/core work before each of those classes. As time went on, I built up enough stamina to start walking 2 miles on Tuesdays and Thursdays. In August, I dropped my YMCA membership and started running after work. It started off with a mile or two every other day. Eventually, it grew to three miles and by the time the Nona5K rolled around, I was training for my first half marathon. I ended up running the Nona5K in about 28:47. Quite an accomplishment for someone who could barely walk while Savannah was riding her bike. The months of November and December saw me running about 30 miles a week in preparation for the Disney Half Marathon. On January 8th of this year, I ran the half marathon...and I finished...without crawling across the finish line...and surprisingly, I didn't cry.
So maybe you are wondering where that leaves me today? Well, I have run a 5K, a 15K, and a half marathon. I'm signed up for a 10K in Charleston in April...and I'm currently searching for my first marathon (hopefully within the next year). As far as my weight, I am currently at 145 pounds. Yep, I lost 60 pounds (that's almost a Savannah + a Jackson). I went from a size 18 to a size 6. I have more energy than I have ever had and I'm looking forward to a summer with my kids where I can go to the beach or the pool and not feel like an embarrassment. The biggest advice I can give anyone is DO NOT MAKE EXCUSES...more than half of the battle is getting over the mental barriers to living a healthier lifestyle...but I am proof that it can be done. I'll never be able to thank my friends and family enough for all of their support. This has been one of the most trying years of my life, but also one of amazing progress.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! Even though you have not set out to be motivation for anyone, you have anyway! I remember you from the bump ladies group on 411 fit a year ago. Thank you for showing me what can be done in a years time.... you look great!
